Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Man, it's been a while.

Well I was able to recover my password to blogger so I can give a new blog. I forgot it about 5 months ago and was just now able to get it reset. Well where should I start. Nothing has been going to except growing in faith and such. Michelle and I decided to place our house on the market because we found a residence that we liked at a good price, so our move is dependent upon the sale of our existing home. We will see if it sells or not, If it don't that's just fine, if it does that will be good too, either way we are happy and are not stressed out about it. The Lord will put us where we need to be. Tomorrow I go and have my wisdom teeth removed in a outpatient procedure. I'm a little nervous due to all of my past surgery's but I guess I'll be fine. In April we are scheduled for a cruise to the Caribbean. That should be fun. Also I got a guitar and have been taking lessons for a while now. Well I'm sure that there is more I'm leaving out but for now this is all I can think about to write. C Ya

Monday, January 11, 2010

Let's See Where this Year Leads

Hey All. Well it's the first of the year and I better get to writing. We hope that this year will be less stressful than last year with the surgery and all. We are planning to start a family this year and are very exited. We pray that God has it in mind for us to have a child this year. We are also planning on going on another cruise and working on the house. I'm gona laugh when I look back at this post a year from now and see all the things we " planned for " but did not happen. But we hope for a healthy child most of all. I'm planning on getting in shape this year. I've been toying with working out now for the past two years and I'll get in shape then quit. I just got to keep it up this time and see how lean and mean I can get. There is snow on the ground so no mowing or fishing for me. I've been learning the guitar this winter and have been taking lessons. I got a new guitar and amp so I've been practicing and driving Brandi crazy. We will see if I can learn anything over time. Well Im gona go for now, See Yall soon.