Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hello anybody who reads, maybe 1000 or maybe 1, who knows. Well everything in going good in our household. Michelle is still going to school full time at First Free Will Baptist to be a teacher and working full time. I am still policing around town on first shift. We are continuing to grow in our faith and trust in Jesus Christ our savior. Nobody seems to understand how we live our lives now but its ok. We just finished up a 12 week study on Hollieness and how to become more Holy in our daily lives, how to turn from temptation and not be lead astray by the world. It's so easy to get caught up in material things and trying to please co-workers and freinds and not honor God. I have made the choice to leave rooms now when the conversations turn sinfull at work, or to just not comment. This is much harder than I thought it would be but it works. Many people will chastise but I guess if your not being persecuted your not a Christian. I try to remember 1Peter 1:16 everyday and follow through. I have just about stoped cursing all together after reading and studying the book of James. This is one of my favorite books of the bible. It Is great for a new Christain to see how a Christian should compose theirselves. I try to read a
In other news I recently bought another boat, my father and I went to Sparta to get it about three months ago. It was in pretty rough shape when we got it and even blew a tire on the interstate on the way back. We re-carpeted it and found a nest of ants. After getting it all back together it looks real good. I took it out a couple of times and had motor issues. After replacing the starter I thing It's sea worthy again. Seems like a good boat, guess I'll see. The leaves are falling so this puts a end to my mowing for the year. I realy like to mow so this is kinda depressing that I don't get to till spring. Now the leaves have taken over the yard creating a brown and gold blanket. They will have to go soon because I just can't have our yard looking like it is now with leaves everywhere. It looks messy and unkept but the squirrels seem to enjoy it. I like to think they are playing hide and seek in the mounting leaves. With 36 trees there is a lot of them. Other than that all is well here and hope to whoever reads this the same be with you.